Purple haze all in my brain
Lately things just don’t seem the same
Actin’ funny, but I don’t know why
‘Scuse me while I kiss the sky
–Jimi Hendrix, "Purple Haze"
Excerpt moved to Memoir Madness
Memoir Madness: driven to involuntary commitment
Excerpt moved to Memoir Madness
18 January 1969; United Airlines 727, Flight #266; Los Angeles, CA: The aircraft crashed into Santa Monica Bay shortly after a night takeoff in poor weather. The crew reported an engine one fire warning, shut down the engine, and initiated an air turn back before crashing into the water at high speed and an unusual attitude. Electrical failure was suspected. All six crew members and 32 passengers were killed.This is an important fact; two days earlier, on January 16, my grandfather and I had flown this very flight.
If the doors of perception were cleansed then everything would appear to man as it is: infinite.--William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
...The world as it appears to me is my creation, and for it I must assume responsibility. Given, as the bricks out of which I can build a universe, is a chaotic kaleidoscope of colors, shapes, sounds, moods, hopes, fears, joys, pains, ideas, movements...Out of this anarchy, I organize a world for myself. I subdue the disordered shapelessness into a world by choosing one out of an infinity of possible structures.--Peter Koestenbaum, Existentialism: Philosophical Anthropology
To die before you’ve reached the sky is tragedy--the sky is always an inch away from our fingertips--no matter how high we may reach.
--Jeff A. Brown